Flyswatter Handle Mock Ups 2

Round 2 Low Density Foam Models

Year:  2013

Medium:  Blue Foam

Specs:  This round of modeling used some of the better ideas from round 1 and refined them to be more sleek, narrow, and conforming to the palm/ thumb relationship.  These models also look to save material for a potential manufacturer, as well as to communicate the action one must take in holding and using this flyswatter by visual semantics.

Flyswatter Handle Mock Up Sketches 1

Low Density Foam Models 

Year:  2013

Medium:  Blue Foam carved with rasps, files and sand paper

Specs:  These models were carved to quickly assess the different grips, and styles for a flyswatter handle.  In making a product focused mainly on comfort and ergonomics, three dimensional sketches are much more informative in the ideation process.  A cheap, easy to manipulate material like blue foam is ideal in quickly testing different design concepts for a comfortable, and visually pleasing design. 

Drawing Exercise 2

Year:  2013

Medium:  Black Prismacolor Colored Pencil

Specs:  This drawing exercise looks to convey space by means of value and line weight.  Also, various geometric solids are combined to make more complex shapes. 

Album Cover

Album Cover Design and Ad Campaign

Year:  2013

Medium:  Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & Indesign, photography

Specs:  The music business requires eye catching design and promotion.  This redesign of the Indie Pop musical group, The Postal Service, seeks to achieve just that.  Inspiration for this came from the band's song lyrics, as well as animal behavior, the forms of paper folding and origami, and pop art style imagery.