Drawing Exercise 1

Drawing Exercise 1
Year:  2013
Medium:  Black prismacolor colored pencil
Specs:  This is intended to translate flat, orthorgraphic, top, bottom, and side views into a three dimensional form in perspective.  The exercise focuses on line weight, value, and understanding where forms exist in space. 


Pages from my sketchbook
 Year:  2013
Media:  Graphite, ball-point pen, prismacolor marker, prismacolor colored pencil
Specs:  Sketching in industrial design requires much practice in fluidly drawing ellipses, circles and lines, as well as objects in perspective.  My sketchbook is used as a tool to practice these techniques, and to record inspiration and potential design concepts. 

BP Design Research

BP Project Proposal and Research Methodology Outline

Year:  2013

Medium:  Adobe InDesign

Specs:  British Petroleum has hypothetically asked my Sophomore Industrial Design peers and I to each generate future gas pump concepts.  This will be done by doing extensive BP brand, demographic, interactive, and ergonomic research by means of observation, interviewing, and hands-on experience.  

Peacock & Peahen Illustration

 Peacock and Peahen Illustrations

Year: 2013

Medium:  Adobe Illustrator; pen tool, lines and shapes with blurs

Specs:  Inspiration for this illustration came from origami and paper design, music, and animal mating rituals, specifically that of a peacock.  Like many other male birds, the peacock has developed quite a method to showcase its reproductive capability.  When it reaches reproductive maturity, a peacock will spread its enormous, colorful tail feathers and shake them, while following a peahen around with loud mating calls in order to gain her attraction. 

Illuminated Letter

Illuminated Letter Illustration

Year:  2013

Medium:  Adobe Illustrator

Specs:  The illuminated letter dates back to intricate pages of the Bible hand drawn by Medieval, European monks. However, today it can still be used as an engaging, dynamic, and, in this case, self-reflective design concept.  This digital illustration is intended to enhance the form of the letter E.  Inspiration for this piece came from Celtic typography, various textures such as textile, brick, concrete, wood, wallpaper, and my interest in literature as a hobby as well as its incorporation in design.

Cardboard Chair Assembly Instruction Manual

Cardboard Chair Assembly Instruction Manual

Year:  2013

Media:  Adobe Illustrator (drawings), 
Adobe InDesign (layout)

Specs:  The Cardboard Chair Instruction Manual is intended to graphically (with as little words as possible) represent the assembly of my cardboard chair from flat sheets to a solid weight-bearing piece of furniture.  The drawings done with the pen tool are based on photographs of the assembly and were adjusted and compiled to create
the optimal view for illustrating the assembly process.

Cardboard Chair Plans

Cardboard Chair Plans

Year:  2013

Specs:  An array of templates, layout plans, geometric calculations, and modification
records were used to make the transition from one chair model to another much simpler.

Cardboard Chair Process

Cardboard Chair Assembly Stages

Year:  2013

Medium:  8' X 4' Corrugated Cardboard

Tools:  30" T-square, 18" ruler, 48" drywall-square, transparent protractor, calculator, box cutter, pre-cut templates, black sharpie, pencil, water bottle

Cardboard Chair Full Scale Model 2

Second Full Scale Cardboard Chair Model

Year:  2013

Medium:  8' X 4' Corrugated Cardboard

Specs:  This mock-up focused on added support and stability to seat rests;
attention to aesthetic details such as appropriate  tab exposure and placement; exploration of arm rest design; curvature in seat rest to match ergonomics of a sitting figure and placement of the back rest for lumbar support. 

Cardboard Chair Full Scale Model 1

First Full Scale Cardboard Chair Model

Year:  2013

Medium:  8' X 4' Corrugated Cardboard

Specs:  Full scale chair model based on 1/4 scale made to start testing the actual materials as well as to begin to assess comfort and aesthetics as well as actual  assembly methods without adhesives. 
1/4 Scale Cardboard Chair Models

Year:  2013

Medium:  2' X 1' Railroad board each

Specs:  1/4 scale chair models made for weight testing for structure with a material roughly 
1/4 the strength of corrugated cardboard.